Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mercator Society Lecture, April 26

Matt Knudson invites you to attend an upcoming lecture of the Mercator Society.

For details and to RSVP, email Matt at or call him at 212-930-0562.

Toward a National Cartography:American Mapmaking, 1782-1800
Michael Buehler, of Boston Rare Maps, will address the development of mapmaking in the United States in the years immediately after the American Revolution. That period saw the emergence of a cartography that was distinctly American, different in goals, subject matter, methods, iconography and aesthetics. Michael will focus on core features of this new American cartography, particularly how American maps reflected the ambition and optimism characteristic of the early Republic, as Americans sought to transform the landscape in the service of their economic and political goals. The talk will be illustrated with examples and vivid stories from his "Toward a National Cartography" exhibit now on view at the Harvard Map Collection.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
5:30-6:00 Reception
6:00-7:30 Lecture

Margaret Liebman Berger Forum, Room 227
The New York Public Library
Stephen A. Schwarzman Building
Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street


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